Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Warm Welcome


Thank you for stopping into my Blog.  I feel that I must begin with several confessions and disclaimers.  

First, this is my first blog.  (Blush.)  In fact, I have only ever read a few blogs, and those have been on varying topics of varying value.  If you see any glaring deficiencies which expose me to the world as a blog virgin (Blush, Blush), let me know.  PM, email, whatever...  

Second, I have begun this blog somewhat against my will.  Oh, I haven't a gun to my head or anything, but I have had several people ask me to begin this.  Some have asked for deep insight into the art of writing, or Modernity, or literature, or the Holy Scriptures.  I am not sure that I am up for any of them, but here is a place for us to come and share with each other.

Third, I expect all responses or replies to maintain respectful tones and appropriate language.  We can be real (I hope), and we can even agree to disagree about whatever we begin here.  However, do not be vulgar, crass, or blatantly disrespectful to fellow bloggers.  That will get you run off my blog on a shutter.  We can express disapproval or disagreement in civil terms.  

Fourth, I hunger for real interaction here.  Anyone who knows me knows that I like to talk.  That said, on this blog, I am also hungry to listen.  We may not come down to solid understanding on every issue or idea.  We may never agree.  You may not change my mind.  Fine.  Let us reason together.  Let us "feel" together.  Let's be real together.

In the immortal words of Big John McCarthy...  "Let's Get It On!!" 


  1. Pat, I miss you! BTW, it's LOVE to talk, not just like to :)!

  2. Welcome, Pat. Glad you took my advice (and others as well) and started a blog. You're on my blogroll, and I'll be checking in now and then to read what your putting up.
