Sunday, March 1, 2009

To be or not to be... Dad

Today, was/is Sunday.  The missus and I slept as long as the kids would let us, got up, and went to church.  I lovingly clutched my stainless steel coffee cup, read my Greek New Testament, and tried to listen to the sermon throughout the service.  

As we were leaving the Big House (as I like to think of it), I realized that it was ridiculously nice outside.  Blue sky, warm, western Colorado...  For those cold souls who haven't seen it, I just don't have words.  

We got home and had a little lunch, and an uncomfortable thought began to occur to me.  I am a part-time teacher at that private school my kids attend, and I am behind on getting all my grading done.  However, this is one of those days that a good dad would probably find some kind of outdoor activity to partake of with his family.  Lo, as Frost saw the two roads diverging before him, so was I... 

I have a long history of replacing the best with the good and getting wrapped up in anything but being a dad.  I have had good jobs full of responsibility, challenging classes at college, ministries, etc...  All seem to cry out with great needs or great challenges...  All good things, but not best...  

Responsibility...  the disapproval of my unrelenting students...  the pressure...  I should be grading stuff... 

But... the sun is shining.  The kids haven't seen much of the sick dad-guy this last week...  Growing up fast... 

We went to the park.  Nononono, We WALKED to the park.  And the kids climbed some trees...  It was cool.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah Pat!
    I couldn't be prouder of you! When we are on our death bed, none of us will say, "I wish I'd spent more time at the office!"
    I love you,
